Workshops, Classes and Events

“all important ideas must include the trees, the mountains and the rivers.” Mary Oliver

Outside Kids Pod

Pod Classes and Homeschooling Assistance

2020; the year of incredible amounts of uncertainty, so much newness, smashed routines and anxieties. One of the biggest obstacles we’re facing is schooling for our children. But we can help! Do you have a child in a Pod class? Have you left your job to be a homeschool instructor? We’re offering many different beneficial options to add to your new curriculum. Does forest bathing, a slow sensory, observing walk through the woods or a backyard sound fitting for you science class? Or a kids tailored yoga class for your gym class? Maybe you’re interested in sound healing and the exploration of cultural musicology through hands on playing for your music class. Or maybe our gather and create class for an art lesson. We can tailor a class to fit your child or your Childs pod. Contact us for more information!

Sound Bath

Sound Bath Meditations

In studio or out in nature - join us for an acustic journey that relaxes the body, clears the subconcious, calms the mind and activates your bodys natural healing systems. Let our quartz crystal signing bowls tuned to 432hz; the same frequency Nature vibrates at heal your mind, body and soul. The vibratonal frequencies of our bowls, gongs, chimes and Native Americn drums will transport you into a state of pure relaxation and open your chakras to a higher vibration.


Gather & Journal

We begin with a slow, walking meditaion while gathering forest or coastal offerings. We’ll use our collection to help guide us into creativity. We’ll use pen and paper to journal, watercolors to paint, cameras to capture. We’ll use all of our senses to mindfully understand what we’re holding, what we saw, felt, heard. And then we’ll manifest that into art in our own little spaces in nature to create. Sometimes all we need is a subject to help us start. Let this workshop help connect you to your senses, to nature and to the creativty that’s living inside you.


Forest Bathing

The old Japense tradition of Shinrin-Yoku, meaning forest bath. Similar to our gather and create workshop just without the gather or creating. This workshop is purley about being in the very present moment and just letting that moment be. We’ll activate our senses once again; walking slowly, feeling the bark, smelling the moss, hearing the birds, tasting the birch in an old growth New England Forest. This is a walking meditation so we’ll remain quiet. Walking and sitting or laying. Certain workshops have sensory stations with small guided advice, whether it’s a breathing exercise or a simply pointing something out.



Private, studio or outside Yoga. Join one of our vetted teachers for a yoga class to connect mind and body - body and breath. We offer foundations Yoga, flow, Yin, Hatha and restorative as well as our favorite; Let it go yoga.


Wild Flora Pressing

One of favorites. Gather and press your own wild flora. Add your pressings to your journal, create a poster, shadowbox or notecards. We’ll hike to gather and then have a fun workshop of creating. Please feel free to bring your own garden flowers if you wish. Otherwise we and Earth provide all materials, you just need to show up! Depending on the season , we may provide lots of wildflowers and grasses to add to our gather. Please make sure to select what you want to make so it’s correctly adjusted in your price.


Owl Prowl

Curious about birds and love being outside? How about a fun twilight hike to scout the very illusive great horned, barred and screetch owls of Connecticut? Join us for a hike or walk in a field as the nocturnal birds of prey become active for the night. The stars slowly being to emerge, moonlight may arise, owls hoot. *Headlamps with a red setting required. Cameras with no flash are welcome.

Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing

It’s not ever really about catching a fish — not for us anyway. It’s about learning patience, learning rhythm. It’s about everything else you experience while out there. Our professional guides will teach you how to watch the river, how to watch the color of the sky and recognize the direction of the wind. They will teach you how to observe your surroundings which will make you a great angler. They’ll point out the current fly hatch hovering above the water which will ultimately decide what fly you’re going to put on your line. Fly fishing is about connecting your senses to the wild earth and nature around you. It’s not only about the catch and cast. This is a great learn to observe, learn stillness and learn nature class. No experience necessary.

Let us show you our favorite spots and our best secrets.

*We’re a catch and release preferred company but will allow keeps as long as they are within state laws.

*Price reflects whether individual has a license, wants a day pass, or a year pass.



Rei: Universal, Divine + Spiritual Ki: Life-Force Energy

Reiki: Japanese for universal life force energy that flows thrugh all living things.

REIKI is used as a holistic healing modality that works to create balance by aligning our energy centers of the subtle body, while strengthening the vital force that flows through us. When our vital force is depleted or out of balance due to stress or illness, REIKI is used to raise our energetic vibration bringing harmony back into our being. As energy, REIKI works on all levels including physical, mental, emotional + spiritual. It is understood that when balance is restored, harmony and “well being” are experienced.

We offer Reiki assists durring some of our restortive yoga classes and sound baths.

We aslo work with studios and wellness centers throughout Connecticut. As well as private house work.

Add-ons include Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing, Spirit Cleansing and Oracle readings.